Prize of the Minister of Foreign Affairs to the ATLAS association
On Tuesday, September 18, the Ambassador of Japan in Tunisia organized, at his residence, the ceremony of the award ceremony of the Minister of Foreign Affairs to the association ATLAS, Tunisian Association for Leadership, Self-Development and Solidarity, in tribute to the association's contributions and its activities to deepen Tunisian-Japanese friendship.

The latest activities of the ATLAS association are represented by the planting of a hundred Japanese SAKURA cherry trees in different regions of Tunisia.
Persimmon Festival in Wechtata
The participation of the Atlas Association in the activities of the sixth session of the Cream Festival in Bouchtata on November 1, 2 and 3, 2019. The participation was in the activation of a scientific day about the precious tree, in which many specialists attended, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Agency for the Promotion of Agricultural Investments, the Association of the Cream Festival in Bouchtata, the municipality of Washtata , Institute of Pastures and Forests in Tabarka.

We also thank the participation of the South Korean ambassador in Tunisia, as well as a delegation from Japan.
Agora Ram-Nord project
May 31, 2020
Resumption of the activities of the ATLAS association and its partners within the framework of the Agora Ram-Nord project. - The activity: Creation of a Table du Terroir in El Gataaya. This activity consists of setting up a Table du Terroir to promote ecotourism in the region and in El Gataaya in particular. La Table has just promoted the products of the farmer specific to the region of Ghar El Melh and unique in the whole world. This Gataaya technique is a candidate for the SIPAM label (Ingenious System of World Agricultural Heritage).
Closing of the Coastal Resilience project with the installation of a guest table and the rectification and finishing of the work abandoned by the former team in the Ghar ElMelh Gtaya region.

– ATLAS organized Gataaya Challenge in partnership with the Central University of Tunisia for the design of the Table du Terroir plan.
– ATLAS wishes to thank its local partners and the farmers of Ghar El Melh.
Agora Ram-Nord
November 22, 2020
Within the framework of the activities of the Atlas Agora Ram-Nord project carried out within the general project Résilience Côtière by the Agency for the Protection and Development of the Coastal Strip APAL in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program PNUD, Atlas, represented by its president, Mr. Mr. Bassam Al-Mabrouk.

This agreement mainly falls within the realization, management and revitalization of a local hospitality table in the House of Culture in Ghar El Melh and the promotion of its contribution to local development in all its dimensions (cultural, social and economic).
The Augustinian Days of Carthage Via Zoom
11/12/13 November 2020

Sakura Festival in Beni Mtir With the Ambassador of Japan
April 9, 2021

-We celebrated this Friday, April 9, 2021 the first Sakura & Ikebana Festival in Tabarka, Ain Draham and Beni M’tir.
We visited in particular the largest Sakura cherry tree which was planted in 1995 by the ATLAS association, the General Directorate of Forests, the Japanese Embassy and other partners. We thank on this occasion the Embassy of Japan and in particular His Excellency Mr. Shinsuke SHIMIZU, Ambassador of Japan in Tunisia and Mrs. SHIMIZU, his wife.
We also sincerely thank the government police of Jendouba who escorted us all day.
We thank Mrs. Chiraz KHROUF, IKEBANA Master of the OHARA Espace Zmorda school. She gave a nice demonstration of IKEBANA In Green Hills in front of HE Ambassador Shimizu and Mrs. and the other participants.
Also, we extend our sincere thanks to the partners, speakers and all the people who contributed to the success of this first edition:
– M. Salah HANNACHI, President ATLAS
– M. Rafik BEN JEDDOU, Vice-President ATLAS
– Mrs. Frida BRIKI Ben Farhat, ATLAS member
– Mrs. Amani LABIDI, ATLAS member
– Ms. Meriem Abid, ATLAS member
Sylvo-Pastoral Institute of Tabarka
– Mr. Foued Aloui, Director of ISPT,
– Mr. Foued HASNAOUI, Master-Assistant of Higher Education of ISPT
The Ain Drahem Youth Center
– Mrs. Imen MAHJOUB, and her colleagues.
– Green Hill Resorts in Beni M’tir
– Mr. Faiez ROUISSI, Founder of Green Hills Ressorts (GHR)
Finally, we thank ATLAS TABARKA Chapter, in particular
– Mister, Béchir ZNAIDI, president of the Association.
– Ahmed MERZGUI, Vice-president.
Happy Women's Day
August 13, 2021

Welcome lunch to his excellence the Ambassador of South Korea
September 22, 2021
Welcome lunch to his excellence the Ambassador of South Korea We would like to express our sincere and warm thanks to: His Excellency Nahm Kook SUN, the Ambassador of South Korea. Ms. Jih Jong Hyun, Assistant to the Ambassador. and to all and every one of you for attending the lunch which we had the honor to offer in welcome to His Excellency to His new mission in Tunisia.

We would also like to offer our sincere thanks to Dr Taieb Ben Miled, President GDA, for his presentation of the GDA in video and on tour and to the people of GDA for their presentation, their hospitality, the well-thought-out, and delicious appetizers, and lunch.
Kaki festival
October 17, 2021

ATLAS Association, CRDA Beja, the GDA of Ouechtata, the municipality of Ouechtata, ATVs, and our Partners inaugurate the "Kaki Festival" of Ouechtata with the presence of His Excellency Mr. SUN Nahm-kook, the ambassador of the Republic of South Korea in Tunisia. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Embassy of South Korea and especially His Excellency Mr. SUN Nahm-kook, Ambassador of the Republic of South Korea in Tunisia.
The Krima Festival 감 축제 in Ouechtata

Also, we address our sincere thanks to the partners, speakers, and all the people who contributed to the success of Festival Kaki.
The Augustinian Days of Carthage
11 /12 /13 November 2021
On November 11, 12, and 13, 2021, scholars of Saint Augustine thought will meet with teachers, school administrators, and social activists in Carthage, Tunisia, where Augustine once studied and taught. They will present and discuss how the thought and example of this African teacher and priest can enrich and animate 21st century education.

It will be part of the Augustinian Days of Carthage 2021.
Introduction to the Japanese language
March 31, 2022

The visit of Mr. Ahmed Benallal Benallal the delegate of the government of Catalonia

Scientific conferences and invention competitions
February 23, 2021

24/25/ August 2022

Visit of the South Korean Embassy and the Koika
September 16, 2022
Jendouba, September 13 and 14, 2022 the ATLAS Tunisia team participated in the organization of a mission to explore the potential of the North-West region and local capacities in agriculture and rural development. We thank his Excellency the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea Sun Nahmcook, the members of Koica Tunisia and all the local stakeholders for this day of sharing partnership projects.

National Institute for Research in Rural Engineering, Water and Forests (INRGREF) IRESA, Sylvo-Pastoral Institute of Tabarka Sylvo-Pastoral Institute of Tabarka, the processing unit of forest by-products, El Baraka in the locality of Tbeinia Tbainia ain drahem,Natural Silk Company.
The Augustinian days of Carthage
November 11 12 13, 2022

Presentation by TBS ATLAS of the Learning service concept. Introduction of the concept RSU social responsibility of the university.
The feast of the tree
November 15, 2022